The Incomplete Internet Slang Dictionary (Chinese - English)
NSFW / Trigger Warning: Cyberbullying-related content. Swear words. Implicit or explicit sexual reference.
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Introduction 简介
This dictionary is made for those who’d like to speak more natively in both Chinese and English, translate or write internet-related thing like a chat history, or just want to understand what everything means in this digital world.
A term is usually included if it has a matching translation in Chinese or can’t be easily found on web. It does not need an English translation to appear here.
Disclaimer: The terms in this dictionary are highly informal. They should not be used for formal situations, e.g. publications, academic presentations, news or scientific reports, etc.
Please Note: The abbreviations that start with slashes are called tone indicators. They are used to clarify a sentence’s connotation and should be used accurately. Read more about tone indicators here.
请注意:下列英语词汇中,以斜杠(/)开头的词汇都是tone indicator(语气指示词)。它们的作用是阐明一句话的语气和意思,因此需要被恰当使用。在 这里 阅读更多关于tone indicator(语气指示词)的介绍。
Legend 词汇标签
Ambiguous 模糊翻译n.a.
Not available 关联词不存在uncmn.
Uncommon or not a slang 不常用或过于正式alt.
Alternative meaning 另一个意思lit.
Literal translation of the Chinese term 直译f.
Feminine 对于女性的用词m.
Masculine 对于男性的用词neg.
Negative connotation 贬义obs.
Obsolete 过时说法
Didn’t Find Your Word? CONTRIBUTE HERE! 提交新条目!
The Dictionary 词典正文
Chinese | English | Meaning |
xswl, xs, 笑死; 草, 生草; 蚌, 蚌埠住了, 绷不住了; hhhh (optionally with more h’s); 233 (optionally with more 3’s) | lmao/lfmao, rofl, lol; kekw;uncmn. kek, kkkk (optionally with more k’s), www (optionally with more w’s) ; XD, xD |
To laugh. xswl: lit. I’m laughing to death.hhhh: An acronym for laughter in Chinese. lmao/lfmao: Laughing my ass out rofl: Rolling on floor laughing lol: Laughing out loud kekw: Used to represent a laughing emote on Twitch. kek: lol in Korean. kkkk: An acronym for laughter in Korean. www: An acronym for laughter in Japanese. 233: Used to represent a rofl emote back in the forum era of Chinese internet. |
(不是);(什么);(草);(错乱) | /j; JK; /nsrs; /bsamb. /ij; /lh; /nbr; /s or /sarclit. (huh); (what) |
The previous statement is being said jokingly. /j; JK: Joke /nsrs: Not serious; may be written as /ns. /bs: Being silly (NOTE: Use this with caution, since it has the potential of being interpreted as “Bullshit”.) /ij: Inside joke /lh: Lighthearted /nbr: Not being real /s or /sarc: Sarcastic; with sarcasm |
(物理) | /li; amb. irl |
Literally; Actually; In real world |
确实 | ikr | Indeed; You got a point; That’s true. ikr: I know right |
什 | wha-; what the; amb. istg |
“What” but surprised istg: I swear to god |
(无慈悲) | n.a. |
lit. Not being sorry. |
(并不) | /f; /neg; /nsrslit. (no); (not really); (nope) |
The previous statement is fake or nonserious. |
uncmn. (反问) |
/rh; /rt | Rhetorical question |
(认真) | /g; /gen; amb. /srs |
Genuinely; Seriously |
涩, 色色; hso; 嘶哈, 裤子飞了, 裤子没了 | amb. Being horny; amb. /x, /sx; uncmn. NSFW |
This is so sexy/hot; Showing sexual intent, interpretation, or interest. Usually accompanied by emojis such as 🥵 and 🥴. Note: Not Safe For Work (NSFW) is a general word which describes content that are violent, sexually explicit, or generally inappropriate. Do not post NSFW as a response to those content. |
uncmn. (威胁脸) |
/th | Threateningly |
?; 啊?obs. 小朋友你是否有很多问号, 小问号你是否有很多朋友, 我有很多小问号 |
What.; Whut; Question mark. | Extreme confusion as a result of the presented information. |
tql; 666(…)obs. 赛高; yyds |
pog; pogger(s)/pogchamp; W | This thing or person is incredible. tql: So awesome. 太强了 yyds: The ultimate champion. 永远的神 pog: Originally stands for “Play of the Game” W: Win, winner |
tcl | Too bad | To feel sorry for some terrible thing that someone went through. |
jrm, 家人们; jr, 家人; 集美, 集美们, jm; 好兄弟, hxd | Fam | Intimate person/people. Person/people close enough to be a family member. (In Chinese) Usually used by internet salesperson, streamers, and content creators as a term for their fans/audiences 集美: A homonym for 姐妹 (“sister”) |
梗; uncmn. 哏 |
Meme | Something that went viral; a concept/story/reference that became popular and is frequently referenced to or replicated. Note: Meme may also be used in Chinese, either with the same meaning or to denote short animation videos accompanied with viral music sections. Do not confuse with 手书 (Animatic). |
玩梗 | (Use a) Reference; Meme | To use a meme. To include a popular reference. |
酸(了);uncmn. 吃醋 |
Salty | Being jealous |
怪; 太怪了 | (This is) inappropriate; sus; trippy | Usually used as an exclamation on something confusing, with sexual intent, or both. |
下饭; 菜; 蔡 | L; F | You are so bad at this (game) L: Loser F: Fail, failure. |
舔狗; 脑残粉 | Simp; Stan | Someone who likes a person so much that they agree whatever the person says and tries to get the person’s attention |
neg. 黑粉; 黑子 |
Hate, hater; Anti | Someone who dislikes a person. |
人肉; 社工 | Dox | Using techniques to reveal and publicize one’s personal information. |
脚趾抠出了一室一厅; 脚趾抠地; 尬; amb. 社死/社会性死亡 |
Cringe | The feeling when you entered an extremely awkward situation. 脚趾抠出了一室一厅: lit. I’m so awkward that my toes dug the ground into a mansion.社死/社会性死亡: Being so embarrassed in front of a crowd that you cannot stand to be a part of the society anymore. lit. Socially dead. |
互关/赞 | Follow/Like Back; FB/LB | If one posts this, they’re offering you a follow/like if you follow/like them first. |
CP | Ship; Pairing | Two characters in a relationship. |
磕, 磕CP | To ship (a couple) | To assume that two people (fictional or IRL) are in a romantic relationship and awe at their intimate interactions. |
m. 拉郎配 |
m. Slash; f. Femslash |
The act of shipping two typically gay characters. 拉郎配 tends to also imply that the ship is somewhat far-fetched. |
CP粉 | amb. Shipper; uncmn. Shipper fan |
A person who ships. CP粉: Often exclusively refers to fans who are solely interested in shipping the individual of interest. |
kdl, 磕到了 | n.a. |
Used by a shipper when something romantic or intimate happens between the people they’re shipping. |
雷 | NOTP | A ship that this fan strongly dislikes. 雷: lit. BombNOTP: Not One True Pairing. Note that the opposite OTP exists in English but does not have a distinct word (other than 磕, 吃) in Chinese. |
yysy | tbf; tbh; imo; ngl | lit. Speaking on behave of the matter being discussed.tbf: To be fair tbh: To be honest/humble imo: In my opinion ngl: Not gonna lie. |
nsdd | You’re right;alt. amb. You got owned |
nsdd: This abbreviation can stand for two things: “You’re right”, or lit . “You’re a child”. |
太长不看 | TL;DR | A summary of a long article. Too long; didn’t read. |
潜水 | To lurk; Lurking | To be a part of a community, Discord server, or other chatting groups but don’t participate in the discussion. Joining the conversation sometime to show that one exists is called 冒泡 ( lit. bubbling). Those who lurk are called lurkers. |
刷 | To grind; To spam, to flood | Grind: (In games) doing things over and over again to get some desired outcome. Spam/flood: To post or chain similar messages, usually ones that are meaningless, over and over in a chat room or on a forum. |
熊, 熊孩; 小学生 | To grief | Destroying things on purpose; Sabotage 熊孩: A naughty child (used as a verb); lit. Bear kid小学生: An underage person; lit. A pupil |
世另我 | amb. ikr |
I can relate; You’re so similar to me; I do that as well.lit. The other me in this worldikr: I know right |
好耶 | Let’s go; Yoooo; Yippee; uncmn. Horray |
Used when a nice thing happens and the speaker wants to express excitement. Note: There can be an arbitrary number of “o”s after “Yooo”. Also see tql (W). |
(Any section of) 1145141919810 | amb. 69 |
Memes. Sometimes used to create a sus atmosphere. 1145141919810: A phonetic transcription of a Japanese gay porn clip, in which an actor’s dialogue sounds like this series of numbers when spoken in Japanese. This later entered the Chinese internet as a meme. 69: Originally a term for a specific sexual activity (see this article) but later transformed into an internet meme that can be referenced in any context. |
《震惊!……》;《不转不是中国人!……》;《删前速看!……》 | amb. “… (GONE WRONG)/(GONE SEXUAL)/(CONFIDENTIAL)” |
Some examples of archetypal clickbait video or article titles |
标题党; amb. 营销号; uncmn. 震惊体 |
Clickbait | Videos or articles which title was specifically designed to attract viewers and usually isn’t related to the content. The tone indicator for clickbait is /cb. |
dbq | sry; mb | Sorry. An apology. dbq: Abbreviation of 对不起 (dui bu qi, sorry). sry: Abbreviation of sorry. mb: My bad. Not to be confused with MB (Chinese), which is a swear word. |
顶贴; dd (sometimes with more d’s) | Bump; amb. Upvote |
To increase the forum post’s activity, either through giving a vote or commenting, so that it remains on the first few pages of the forum. |
cpdd | n.a. |
A public, if not lighthearted, declaration the sender is seeking a romantic partner. lit. I want a partner (CP滴滴). |
woc; c | wtf; wth; tf | To express anger, astonishment, and/or excitement. May be replaced with swearings that have similar meanings. wtf: What the fuck. wth: What the hell. |
鬼畜; 美式鬼畜 | YTP | A type of meme video re-editing an existing video to make it sound or look funny. Usually involves re-ordering dialogues in the video and/or adding additional sprites or sound effects. YTP: YouTube Poop. |
自闭; emo | emo | To feel frustrated, depressed, anxious, or in any way psychologically unwell. emo: Originally an abbreviation of emotional hardcore, but currently an idiomatic way to say that someone’s upset. |
主角光环 | Plot armor; lit. Protagonist halo |
The phenomenon in fictions that the main character always survive seemingly impossible situations. |
圈子; 同人圈 | Fandom | The creative community consisted of fans of a video game, novel, manga, or other types of fiction. Note that 圈子 can also refer to other types of social groups. |
说 话 带 空 格 | WRITING IN ALL CAPS; wRiTiNg In AlTeRnAtInG CaSeS | A form of textual communication used to represent an exaggerated, loud, angry, or sarcastic tone. It is also possible that their CapsLock is broken. |
融梗; neg. 缝合怪 |
amb. (Person who makes) Meme mashup |
Meme made by combining several related or unrelated memes together. Meme mashup: Specifically, videos with a lot of musics and/or memes edited together. 融梗: lit. Melting memes together. |
溜了 | gtg; g2g | I’m leaving. Got to go. |
8, 88 | cu, cul, ttys, ttyl | Bye. See you later. CU: See you CUL: See you later. ttys: Talk to you soon. ttyl: Talk to you later. |
设定 | Canon | The world, character, and/or plot setting of a certain fiction piece or series. |
官方 | TPTB; lit. The official |
People who have control over the canon, i.e. the artist, author, filmmaker or showrunner. TPTB: The Powers That Be. |
一设; 官设 | Canon; lit. First canon; Official canon |
The most important, accepted, and/or official canon. |
二设; 自设 | Fanon; Headcanon; AU | A canon created by fans. AU: Alternate universe. Not to be confused with persona. |
自设; amb. 人设 |
Persona | Someone’s character’s setting. Usually embodies the creator’s identity in some way, as opposed to a regular original character (aka. OC). Not to be confused with 自设 (fanon) |
兽设 | Fursona | A furry character that embodies the creator’s identity in some way. |
兽圈; uncmn. 福瑞圈 |
The furry community | See furry. |
毛茸茸; 福瑞 | Furry | A person who enjoys anthropomorphic animals (animals with human characteristics). |
MB; NMB | Fuck (you) | Offensive swear words to target at someone. May be interchangably used with arbitrary swear words. |
f. 富婆;uncmn. amb. f. 干妈;uncmn. amb. m. 干爹;uncmn. m. 甜爹 |
f. Sugar mommy, sugar mummy;m. Sugar daddy |
Someone rich who offers money for romantic or sexual companionship. |
xp | Kink; Fetish; Type | The ideal type of sexual and/or romantic, realistic, or fictional relationship that one desires; What turns you on. xp: Abbreviation for 性癖 ( lit. Special hobby for a sexual feature) |
neg. gg |
Got/get owned | To die in game. To make a mistake controlling the character. Neutral or negative connotation. Not to be confused with gg in English, which stands for “Good Game”. |
bzd | dunno; idk | I don’t know. |
摆烂 | To be a degenerate; To tank | To lose or do bad on purpose without even trying. Note: Tanked can also mean drunk. |
同人(文) | Fanart; Fanfiction | A literature or artwork produced based on an existing worldview or character setting that is not created by the artist of this art. |
(内)卷 | Grind, grind culture; amb. Rat race |
(As noun) A situation in which everyone is working too hard that nobody could get any additional award from working hard. (As verb) To work too hard that it causes a rat race situation. lit. Involution; Internal working |
awsl; obs. 阿伟死了 |
awww; lit. I’m dying, I died |
A phrase used when something is extremely impressive, cute, and/or adorable. |
KY | n.a. |
Being unable to read the situation or being unable to pick up on the mood of a conversation. Referencing a fandom, game, film, or other works when it is not the right time. Origin: 空気読めない (Kuuki Yomenai), lit. Unable to read the air. |
复读; 接龙 | Chain | To repeatedly post the exact same message, either for fun or to emphasize. |
废话文学 | amb. Hmm yes, the floor here is made out of floor.lit. Nonsense literature |
Sentences that mean nothing because they used a phrase itself to describe a phrase. Statements that overstress obvious features. Note: The English phrase is both a summary of all related memes and a response one would get when they say something that fits the above criteria. Chinese Examples: 这A可太A了! 听君一席话,如听一席话 X了Y就像X了Y一样 |
你 我 这 | When-, what-, how-, why- | Expressing a surprised confusion. Similar to 什 (wha-). |
大佬 | The GOAT; Pogger, Pogchamp | Someone who is a master in a certain field. Someone who plays the game well. The GOAT: The Greatest Of All Time See also: tql (pog). |
救命; 要命; 995; 救 | amb. (This is) Cursed; lit. Help |
To express that something is so hilarious or crazy that one cannot stand it. 995: A phonetic transcription of “救救我” Note:While “Cursed” is always informal, “救命” can be a serious cry for help. It is important to note the context this phrase is in. |
手书 | Animatic | A form of animated video that is usually based on one or more fictional canon(s), character(s), or OC(s). May and usually tell a story that is accompanied by a song. Usually hand-drawn digitally, though a small portion are either rendered with 3D models or made with images of traditional drawings (e.g., pencil or markers). |
这河里吗, 这合理吗 | (How) is that fair | That doesn’t make sense. |
什么鬼 | What the frick/fudge, What the heck; tf | A more gentle way to express confusement or atsonishment. Also see: wtf; wth |
lj, 辣鸡, 垃圾 | lit. Trash; Sucker, crap; Crappy; uncmn. Dog water |
To denote that something or someone is very bad. To show disregardness and unrespect. May be replaced with swearings that have similar meanings. Note: As of 2022, dog water is most commonly used by youths to say that someone is bad at games. |
破案了 | Spoiler: ; (Plot) Twist: | A lighthearted speculation at how something came to be. Example: 破案了,这家酒店是黑帮建造的. Plot Twist: This hotel was built by the mafia. |
爬, 爪巴 | Screw off, fuck off | A mean way to tell someone to leave. |
🐍(🐋); 身寸 | Cum | To produce semen. In English: Sometimes mispronounced from “come” to create a sus atmosphere. |
秦王绕柱; 溜(怪); 放风筝 | To pace something; To loop something around; lit. (Emperor Qin) looping around a pillar |
To go in circles while something is chasing you, so that it also starts to go in circles and fail to catch you up. |
懂的都懂, dddd | Those who know, know | Used to describe an inside joke, reference, or meme which cannot be explained, either due to privacy, censorship, or the nature of the joke. |
性转 | Genderbend | A character which is identical to an existing character except that their genders are opposite. |
建议改成: | Alternative title: | A lighthearted suggestion for changing a video’s title, usually for referencing memes, making the title more clickbait, or just for making fun on the video’s content. In Chinese internet, if the video’s uploader actually changed the title to the suggested one, people may post 竞标成功 to congratulate the commenter. |
表情, 表情包 | Emote; amb. Emoticon; amb. Emoji; amb. Meme |
An image that is used to express feeling, emotion, or reaction of the sender. Sometimes used alternatively with meme. Note: Different platforms usually have different names for those images. E.g., DeviantArt uses Emoticon, while Twitch uses Emote. See also meme. |
xx, 蟹蟹, thx, neg. 屑屑 |
thx, ty, 3q, tysm, tyvm, tq, txuncmn. 10Q, 10x, grx, grax, thanq |
Thank you; Thanks. 谢谢. grx, grax: Gracias (Thank you in Spanish). |
阴阳怪气, 阴阳, yygq | Talking with sass; Being ironic, being sarcastic; amb. Being quirky; uncmn. Passive-aggressively talking |
To speak in a particularly sarcastic way, usually accompanied with ironic emojis. Chinese example: 那你可真是太棒了呢😅 English example: yeah break that block🙄 break it💪 you got this😀😐 you got it🤪💅 |
我可以, 我可; 很可 | Smash (as in Smash or Pass); lit. I can |
To feel crushed or want to get into a romantic and/or sexual relationship with someone or something. |
可不可挑战 | Smash or Pass, Smash or Pass challenge | A viral challenge in which people decide if they smash someone or something. |
淡圈; 淡坑 | (To be on a) Hiatus | To take a break from participating in a community or fandom. To be inactive for an indetermined amount of time. |
退圈; 退坑 | n.a. |
To quit a community or fandom. To be inactive for a long time, possibly forever. |
吃设定 | amb. To sweep (canon) under the rug |
To delete or forget about a headcanon that was previously set by the author themselves. |
00后 | Gen Z, Generation Z | The group of people who were born around year 2000 and are comparatively young on the internet. |
削, 削弱 | Nerf | To weaken a character, skill, etc. in video games, usually online and multi-playered ones. |
后宫 | Harem | A common setting in romantic novels or games in which the protagonist establishes relationship with multiple characters, receiving consent from all of them. Note: Formally, 后宫 refers to a similar setup in Chinese palaces. |
草包美人; 笨蛋美人; 金玉其外,败絮其中 | Himbo | A male who is attractive and not bright. |
萌版; 萌化; 萌系; 可爱 | Chibi | To draw/sculpt a character in a small, cute, and adorable way. English: Originated from ちび, “little” in Japanese. |
猫耳角色; amb. 猫猫; f. 猫娘, 猫耳娘 |
Neko | A character with cat ears. A character who is part human, part cat. lit. Cat. English: Originated from “cat” in Japanese. |
gkd | XXX when? | To express excitement for an unrealistic project or work proposed by the speaker themselves. |
小镇做题家, 做题家 | Swot; lit. Small-town swot |
A person, especially one who was born in a small town in China, who highly values their education and grinds for a higher grade. UrbanDictionary.com Definition: A person who values his education at least three times more than his social life and his teacher at least three times more than his friends |
m. 宅男, f. 宅女; neg. 肥宅 |
Weeb; amb. Nerd |
A person who is interested in or addicted to anime, manga, and/or video games. A person who spends most of their time in home watching anime. |
m. 猛男; 肌肉男 |
Buff | A person who has strong muscles and appears attractive. Not to be confused with 强化 (to buff) or Buff (effect). |
加强, 强化 | To buff | To make a character in a (usually online and multi-playered) game more powerful. The opposite of nerf .Not to be confused with 猛男 (buff) or Buff (effect) |
Buff; 效果 | Buff; Effect | An effect, usually temporary, applied to the player character which assists the player in playing the game. If the effect makes the game harder for the player, it is called a debuff (same for both Chinese and English). Not to be confused with 强化 (to buff) or 猛男 (buff). |
摸鱼; 摸; 划水 | Chill; Chillin’; Chilling | To have a good time not doing anything. We’re just chillin’. 我们在摸鱼 |
整活 | Bit, do a bit | To do something that would appear interesting or funny, but doesn’t necessarily make sense. To purposefully throw a joke or create a meme. |
老实人 | Captain Obvious | A person who points out very obvious things. Someone who treats a joke seriously and points out/answers any problems in it. |
推; 单推 | Oshi; Main | The character whom you like the most. The character you put your entire dedication into. |
(大嘘) | BOOO (alternatively with more O’s) | To show distrust or pessimism against someone or something. Works similarly as a tone indicator. |
转推; 转发 | Retweet; Repost | To repost a status update, specifically a Twitter post. |
抽奖 | Giveaway, GAW | To randomly choose a winner from a pool of eligible participants, then give a specified prize to them for free. |
真实; 太真实了 | Relatable | To show empathy towards something or someone. To denote that the thing one went through is common. |
有事吗? | Can I help you? | A sarcastic way to say “you are being weird” or “I’m confused”. |
原来如此, ylrc; 学到了 | TIL | “So that’s what it is.” TIL: Today I Learned. |
soga; 搜嘎 | n.a. |
A phonetic translation of そうです, meaning “it is so” or “that’s right”. Essentially the same as ylrc/TIL, but with its origin in Japanese. |
问题不大; wtbd | NBD | No big deal. |
卡了; 好卡 | Lag; Ka le, Kale | A lag just happened (in a multiplayer video game) |
情怀税 | Nostalgic cash-grab | Something that’s priced more than its worth only because it belongs to a certain series or brand liked by people. “税” - Direct translation: Tax. Semantic translation: Cash-grab. |
如题; RT | Title | A placeholder used when someone have described what they wanted to say in the title and don’t want to write anything in the description. |
面基 | Meetup | To meet a friend whom you met online in real life. |
没记错的话 | iirc; IIRC | If I recall correctly. |
优美的中国话 | A man of culture | A statement that is usually complimentary that is said when one swears at someone or something which everyone dislikes. |
脚本小子 | Scriptkiddie | A self-proclaimed hacker. Derogatory term for people who use prewritten scripts and/or computer programs to infiltrate computer systems, create computer viruses, or otherwise carry out activities that may cause damage to another person’s digital property. |
每个字都会,连在一起就看不懂了 | I understand all these words separately. | To denote that a sentence is overly complicated or absurd that it is impossible to understand. |
键盘侠 | Keyboard Warrior | Someone who pretends to be more powerful than they are in real life in the comments they post online. |
己所不欲,勿施于人 | (The) Golden Rule; Do not do others what you would not have done to yourself. | |
好险,要长脑子了 | amb. My brain’s almost wrinkling |
Used as a response to some especially silly or absurd content. May be accompanied with some expression about smoothing said brain. |
纵连 | Jackhammer | A term specific to rhythm games that refers to tightly spaced music notes which require the player to spam the same key at high speed. |
音游 | Rhythm game | A game that is oftentimes beaten or controlled by pressing keys according to the rhythm of the music being played. |
星跳水立方 | Dropper | A classic minigame in Minecraft in which the player drops from a high place and attempts to land in the water blocks at the bottom without hitting any obstacles. |
(棒读); (捧读) | (not impressed) | Indicates that the typer is saying the message with an emotionless, monotonic, or otherwise unimpressed tone. |
抽象 | Random; lit. Abstract |
Absurd. Out of the blue. |
初见杀 | Beginner’s trap | A feature or mechanics in games that is easily avoidable once acknowledged but will likely cause the player to fail their first attempt due to it being unforeseenable. |
6 | Crazy, Incredible /s, wow /s; I can’t even be mad | Expresses various degrees of disbelief, disappointment, and/or unimpressedness through a sarcastic tone. |
(吃)瓜 | (To get updated on) drama, discourse, controversy; neg. dumpster fire; alt. incident, event, news |
The progression and discussion of a viral topic. lit. Melon. |
f. 地雷女; m. 地雷男 |
amb. Disaster |
A mentally unstable individual. An individual who makes bad decisions. Disaster: Usually describes the person in relation to their identity, and often used on bisexual individuals. |
(做)饭 | (To create) Fanart; Fanfic, fanfiction; Fanvid | Any creative piece of work based on an existing canon made by a fan. |
老师, 太太 | Fan artist; Fanfic writerlit. Teacher; Madam, wifey, missus |
A person who produces original pieces of creative work based on an existing canon. |
neg. 国男, 蝈蝻, 蝻的, 男的 |
Dudebros; lit. Chinese males |
A highly derogatory term for men. Usually targets toxically masculine cishet men, but can target any people that don’t align with the ideologies of the person (in Chinese contexts, usually a ciswoman) using this term. |
攻; (usually m. ) 1, 一;f. T |
Top | The more dominant one in a gay or lesbian couple. |
受; (usually m. ) 0, 零;f. P |
Bottom | The more submissive one in a gay or lesbian couple. |
嬷 | To feminize; uncmn. To turn into a bottom; amb. To woobify |
To write a character that is usually seen as a top into a powerless, more feminine bottom. Woobify: To make a often morally questionable character look vulnerable, misunderstood, and defendable. |
拟人化; f. 娘化 |
Anthropomorphism; Personify | To portray a non-human character with distinctively human features. 娘化 specifically gives the character overtly female features. |
不谈剂量谈毒性都是耍流氓 | The dose makes the poison | Anything is only poisonous once it reaches a certain dosage. |
References & Appendix 参考资料
Take a look at those places if you didn’t see the word you’re finding here
Some definitions here are written with reference to the following sources
- Cheat sheet published by Common Sense
- This page by MakeUseOf
- Carrd written by @ranlaugh
- StackExchange: KY
- Internet and Fandom Glossary by Anna Bowles
- Common Sense 发布的 词汇表
- MakeUseOf 撰写的 文章
- @ranlaugh制作的 Carrd
- StackExchange: KY
- Anna Bowles编撰的 Internet and Fandom Glossary